Avocado Heights/Bassett/West Valinda Shuttle#

Competitive Routes near SHN

Quick Stats#

Bus routes in service: 19
Routes near the State Highway Network (SHN): 17 routes (89.5%)
Competitive routes against car travel (within 1.5x car travel time): 3 routes (15.8%)
Near SHN and competitive routes against car travel (within 1.5x car travel time): 3 routes (15.8%)

Competitive Routes#

Short Routes (< 1 hr)#

Route Stats

Route ID Route Name Avg Daily Speed (mph) # trips Daily Avg Freq (trips per hr) 25th, 50th, 75th ptile (hrs) PM Peak Avg Freq (trips per hr)
13049 Topanga Canyon Beach Bus nan 6 0.25 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 nan
13315 The Link - Willowbrook B nan 22 0.92 0.42, 0.42, 0.42 nan
13068 The Link - Willowbrook A nan 22 0.92 0.42, 0.42, 0.42 nan
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Medium Routes (1-1.5 hrs)#

No routes meet this criteria.

Long Routes (> 1.5 hrs)#

No routes meet this criteria.

GTFS Real-Time Speedmaps#

No GTFS RT data available.